Pipe to the Roof
Hey folks. Happy Monday.
I hope your weekend was awesome and you are ready to get back into the “weekly” flow of things.
How was my weekend? Relaxing and really nice. I was able to spend a fair amount of time with my sister and her husband. We didn’t do a whole lot, which was fine by me, but it was good to just be around family like that.
So, reading documentation is generally not that fun. It is however a pretty important part of development work.
Over the weekend we (the ruby on rails class in Atlanta) were supposed to read several pieces of Ruby on Rails documentation. I, being who I am, waited till this morning to start reading… I’ve got a bit to go yet, but needed to give my brain a bit of a rest.
Here is what I am finding. The docs on Rails are pretty good actually. It’s still a bit like reading a textbook and I hate learning that way… but I have a feeling that we will get hands on examples and homework really soon that will help it all make sense.
Actually, reading the docs and learning how to take what they say and apply it to the app that I am building is super helpful. Because when I google a problem I’m having, the first thing that pops up is the documentation.
Take luck folks… read the documentation on whatever you’re doing.