What I’m up to today… making data fit together…
Today I’m at the Atlanta Tech Village working on homework.
This particular project is the same one I talked about the other day.
I’m hoping I can get basic functionality down today and then put some finishing touches on it tomorrow.
We will see how it comes together…
Here are a few photos from this week.

Patterns are everywhere… puzzles.
I was on a walk the other day (clearing my head between mad coding sessions) and I noticed these patterns in the walk way I was walking on.
It reminded me a lot of our lives. Intertwined in many different way’s.
Like a puzzle being put together we can’t always see the final result. We do each have a place in the puzzle though.

Photo shoot in my room…
For my weekly CorePresets Show I needed some new photos to work with. So I pulled out my camera and set up a little “shoot” in my room.
The idea is that what you have to work with isn’t as important as what you do with those tools.
It turned out ok… I think…

Cup of Tea – from the set up above..

Chips and dip… ground beef, corn and salsa dip that is…
Oh the things I eat…
They say we are what we eat. I’m not sure if I believe it or not.
Mostly I question the truth of the statement because I’m not sure I want to be what I’ve been eating.
Don’t worry though, I do eat a bunch of vegetables for breakfast every day. Yes, vegetables for breakfast. The kind that come frozen in a bag.

I’ve been drinking more tea lately
I’m a coffee drinker. Thats just the way I am.
However I have been known to drink tea on occasion.
Recently I’ve been drinking just as much (maybe more) tea as coffee.
This particular cup is Lady Grey tea from the fine folks over at Twinings.
I use some honey for sweetener (because I didn’t feel like buying a bunch of sugar) and then finish it with a splash of cream.
Makes a nice sipping tea.
And that my friends is it for today!
Have a great weekend.