This (plus the internet) is all I really need to get work done…
Hey everyone… It’s Sunday. The third day of the internal Iron Yard Hackathon.
I probably shouldn’t even be taking the time to write this, but I am.
The slightly blurry effect on that image is to simulate how my eyes and brain are interacting this morning. It’s been a long day and a half.
…the product we are building probably won’t be overly amazing (if we can even get things to completely work…) but it has been quite interesting to get to know a few other Iron Yard students a bit better and work with the iOS wing to make the mobile app interact with my Rails app.
Who knows what all the rest of the day will bring.
For now I’ve got my coffee, laptop, headphones and internet. It still amazes me how little I really need to be able to build web apps.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. Take a nap for me if you get a chance.