Clouds at Sunset
Do you remember the feeling when you spent your first night away from your parents’ home? When I was a bit younger I remember staying at a friend’s house overnight. Everything was fine until bedtime.
There were several reasons it was difficult to go to sleep, but mostly it was because I was scared. Petrified would be another way of putting it. I did eventually fall asleep but I remember thinking that I must have been awake half the night before the peaceful calm of “too-tired-to-sleep” appeared and hit me over the head…
I recently signed on for something that is going to again take me away from my “regular” existence. While I’m not nearly as scared of sleeping in strange places as I used to be, there is a certain level of apprehension that comes with big changes that is very real.
The Iron Yard
Let’s start with where exactly I’m going. I’ve signed up for a 12 week intensive code school called The Iron Yard. The campus I’ll be at will be in the middle of Atlanta. At least 7 hours away from here… Not only is it a long ways away from my “normal,” I really only know one person there.
The twelve week stint of nothing but code classes and homework projects means I’ll be stupid busy. I’ve been reading about several students who are currently there or have finished one of these courses. Sounds to me like I have a long row to hoe. Not that it can’t be done, but it will probably be the hardest this mind has worked in any twelve week window of time.
Here is the thing, even though I know it will probably be one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever put in front of myself, it is just another stepping stone. I’m a firm believer that the “where” we are going is made up of lots of the “little” decisions that we make every day. While choosing to go the Iron Yard hasn’t been a small decision, it is just another step along the way towards the “where” I am going.
What all comes next? If I knew it would no longer be in the future. That’s the thing about the future, as much as we think we know… it can go just as we plan, or sometimes it all hits the fan.
The Other Side of the Coin
Lest I paint an overly dark picture of how I’m feeling about my upcoming class at The Iron Yard, let me assure you that there is another side to the coin.
Along with all the apprehension and uncertainty, I’m excited about the future and what it holds. Again I don’t know what form this will eventually take. I do know that there are a lot of stepping stones ahead of this one! I’m excited to see where all the journey will lead me.
So… the blog? Yeah, we might should talk about that. I do intend to continue blogging if at all possible. [I’m even planning to continue recording the CorePresets show if at all possible.] I am sure that I’ll share pictures on the blog, regardless of whether I do a lot of writing or not.
When does it start? Classes begin March 31…
And that is all for today. I’m going to head out and help my brother work on strawberries today…
I hope you all have a wonderful day!