Foot Prints In The Sand
Foot Prints In The Sand – Sand – Photo
There are times when I’m not sure if I’ve overdone a particular theme or not.
In this case I wonder about the theme of the ocean, the surf, the sand… I’ve posted a half a gazillion pictures of these things in the last few months.
But then I come across another one that I like and because I am trying to post five days a week, it’s helpful to be able to fill in the cracks. Even if it is an overused and abused theme.
I Love Sand
Sand is a wonderful thing. It is a big part of why I like the ocean so much. Of course there are waves and seagulls and piers and other cool things, but the beach just isn’t quite as nice if there isn’t a span of nice sand.
Now there is another kind of ocean shore that I haven’t been overly exposed too, the rocky New England coast… I’m looking forwards to possibly meeting some of those shores this summer.
I Hate Sand
Sand is wonderful, like I said, but it is also terrible.
Sand gets into everything. Sandals. Hats. Clothes. Skin pores.
That’s the biggest problem with sand. It can totally ruin things. Especially camera gear.
Just a little tip, from me to you, keep your camera bag in a plastic bag when you bring it out on the beach. You can thank me later.
Technically – In Terms of Processing the Photo
This was a simple “click” exposure. I found the sand dune with the grass on top kind of intriguing. So I walked around it a bit and shot off a number of frames from different angles. This is the one that I liked the most.
In terms of post processing the image, it didn’t take too much in Lightroom. The exposure that was created in camera was actually pretty good. I think I pulled the highlights back just a bit, but not to much more than that.
The image was then taken into Photoshop. I created a duplicate layer and opened Photoshop’s filter gallery and played around with several things until I got a look that I thought was interesting…
I saved the image back into Lightroom and it was basically ready to go!
Thanks for stopping by everyone, I hope you have a wonderful weekend…
Eldon Yoder
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