Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.
And hopefully you aren’t missing me around these parts too much.
The last few weeks have been crazy busy. Trying to get some promotional stuff created for my Dad’s farm. Getting ready for school. Building a website. And many other little things.
But you don’t want to hear about me being busy. All of us are.
So I thought I’d take a few minutes and tap out this blog post. Just so you know I am still alive.
It Was A Nice Evening
This is still from my Maine trip back in July.
Nathan (my cousin) and I were cruising on a back road along a lake. We stopped at a little point out into the lake.
On that point was a little bit of a “beach” with rocks… and driftwood.
I had fun playing with the driftwood for a few minutes, and this is one of the results.
A Bit About the Image – For Photographers Who Wonder
The final image is the result of taking 3 exposures and merging them into an HDR image. The tone-mapped image was worked on in Lightroom, Photoshop, and OnOne’s Perfect Effects.
I do want to say that I had a lot of fun with the Sony NEX 7 on this trip. This image (and numerous others) was taken with it. My main angle of attack was to shoot a bracketed burst of RAW images (-1,0,+1). This has proven to be enough to give me a lot of detail to work with. Looking back I’d probably bracket at -2,0,+2. But I would most likely have needed a tripod for the +2 shot… so maybe I wouldn’t have.
At any rate. There you have it!
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day!
Eldon Yoder