Sunset Flower Glow
I had a hard time deciding what to write about today. I started several times, on several subjects before this came.
I’ve decided to discuss exactly “what I do.” Partially for your benefit, but mostly for my own.
It has become harder to know what to tell people when they ask silly questions. Mostly these questions come in a form like this, “What kind of work do you do Eldon?”
Hopefully I can clarify this for you all – and for me too.
I Am A Blogger
Let’s begin with what you are reading right now. I blog.
I’ve been blogging off and on since 2006 or 2007. The first years were really bad. The content I was releasing wasn’t very good. The platforms I used [Blogger and Xanga] were fairly simplistic as well. I did learn a number of things from those early years.
Particularly it was fun posting pictures and getting feedback from friends and family. Most of that feedback was “great shot” or “sweet” so it probably wasn’t overly constructive. However the idea that I could produce something that someone would read or look at. That was cool.
More recently [the end of 2012] I actually dumped all of my old content and started over. There were several reasons for this, but the main one was to give myself a clean place to start from as I went forward.
Now at the beginning of 2014 I am working at running three separate blogs. The premise of each is different, so they are separate.
The first blog of course is here on my personal site. This is where I blog the more personal type stuff. Like what I had for breakfast. What kind of a person I am. Why I dropped out of school. And things like that. I accompany each post with a photo that I’ve taken. I post here each Tuesday and each Thursday.
The second blog is over at PhotositeWP.com. That is a blog about building your own website using WordPress. I always wanted to get involved with the WordPress community and try my best to help people out. PhotoSiteWP will hopefully allow me to do that. I write there each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The third and final blog is at CorePresets.com. Actually I’m not quite sure if it should be called a blog or not. Last Friday was the inaugural “post” in that space. Going forward I plan to post a video each Friday. The video will show a bit of how I use Lightroom to work with images, particularly how I start with one of my own Lightroom presets and then finish the image.
I Am A Website Builder
I do build websites. Interestingly I don’t have a website that is specifically dedicated to the idea that I build websites. I should probably get on the ball and work on that.
Regardless. I build all of my own websites, as well as run a number of client sites.
I am a website builder. Not a designer. Not a developer. A website builder. I use WordPress and lots of tools to do what I want to get done.
I Am A Photographer
One of the things I am starting to push is my photography. For years I’ve focused mostly on the natural side of photography. I’ve shot a lot of landscape work.
The last six months or so I’ve started to get more interested in architecture and interior photography. So I am working towards building a business around real estate photography. I hope to couple my website building knowledge with my photography knowledge to create a unique product.
I Am an Entrepreneur
At the end of the day I guess I should call myself an entrepreneur. Although I would probably hurry to make sure that we all knew I a an “experimental” entrepreneur.
I don’t know where the future will take me exactly, but I do know that I’ve never enjoyed doing or “being” anything else as much as I enjoy what I do now.