Early this week, Monday in fact, my class was introduced to Ruby on Rails. This was a bit of a change after building apps using Sinatra as well as static Ruby files.
The first few days of using Rails were a bit “disorienting.” I had gotten pretty good at finding my way around in a Sinatra app… there was the .app file, there was the db folder, there was a public folder for css and scss.
So the first time I looked at the full folder structure of Rails, I was somewhat overwhelmed. Here is basically what the folder structure looks like.

Rubies Folder Structure
Now that we’ve been working with Rails for a few days though, I’m already starting to feel a bit more “at home” in the file/folder structure. Sure, it might still take me a bit to remember that the routes.rb file is in the config directory, but I will eventually remember that!
Getting a bit more comfortable at finding my way around in the app is a good feeling. Learning how things tie together… well, lets just say its kind of a relief.
Breaking Things Down
Why does Rails need so many folders and files? Because it does so many cool things.
Actually it’s because it separates or breaks things down. This keeps things structured better and allows for a better understanding of what exactly a model, view and controller do and how they interact with each other.
Now, I’m going to switch topics. Just so you are forewarned.

The Power of Foundation
Foundation and Bootstrap
Styling of an app in a browser is at least somewhat important. At this point it doesn’t necessarily have to win design awards, but we have been warned to not turn in homework that hurts our teachers eyes.
I never want to cause pain to anyone based on how my application works. So… I’m trying to learn how to implement Foundation and Bootstrap to make my life easier.
Basically these two “things” are similar in that they provide a “CSS framework.” So I can drop a bit of code into my project and then tap into the base styling that is offered.
So far I’ve mostly been using Foundation. Last night I threw together a little demo app to play with Bootstrap, but I really haven’t spent much time with it.
Using tools like these to get a “head start” on a project is really helpful.
It basically allows me to make buttons, columns and lots of other cool things without first having to write the code that makes those buttons.
In short, CSS frameworks, for back end developers, are a lifesaver. I definitely feel like I owe something to the guys who created and keep updating frameworks like this.
I’m Rambling… So I’ll Stop
And that my friends is just about all for today.
My sister’s surgery is this morning around 10. I’m hoping to go in and see her this evening, hopefully everything goes well.
Here’s to a great Thursday.
Be nice to butterflies. Squash termites and all other bugs.