I slept in a tent for a few nights recently… not in this location though…
The last two nights I slept in a tent. Although I slept pretty well, I am confident in saying that I probably didn’t rest as well as I would have sleeping in my own bed.
With that being said, there is something kind of amazing about sleeping outside, hearing the night creatures make their noises, feeling the breeze as it blows through the tent “windows.”
Camping is a wonderful way to break away from the normal every day life.
Here is the best thing though. I was able to work in my office till about 9 pm the last two evenings, then grab a few things and drive three minutes to our pond. Although I didn’t get to bed as early as I should have, it wasn’t any later than I normally get to bed.
Now this morning I’m writing a bit and then I’ll drive back to my place, take a shower and get back to work.
Reading Code Written by Others
The other day on the Tim Ferriss blog I read an article called How to Gather 100,000 Emails in One Week. While the article was interesting from a marketing point of view I noticed that it talked pretty specifically about a Ruby on Rails app!
The app basically is built to collect email addresses while also offering rewards to users who shared their “referral link” and had friends who signed up using that persons unique link.
At some point in the article I noticed a link to where the rails app was freely available on GitHub. I downloaded it as quickly as my internet connection would allow me to and started going through it.
It’s fascinating to me how other people approach problems. Looking at how another developer approaches/works on a problem is definitely a great way to learn.
If you’re interested in looking the app over for yourself, here is a link to the GitHub repository.
The Job Hunt
I suspect a you may also be wondering how my job hunt is going.
I sometimes wonder the same thing. Here is what I know.
I continue to look for and apply for interesting Ruby on Rails jobs.
The last few days I’ve also been working on a few “test projects” that companies have sent my way.
Beyond that it’s a bit hard to say, so I won’t say anything beyond that.
Happy camping & coding!