There are a lot of different thoughts on the subject of “learning new things” these days. Everyone has an opinion about how we should be training the next generation and we are all learning new things every single day… using quite fascinatingly different approaches.
Two and a half weeks ago I started working for CGD, a small web development shop in Lynchburg. I’ve really enjoyed the things I’ve gotten to work on so far… but I keep noticing that I’m learning a lot of new things.
In some ways it reminds me of my first couple of weeks at The Iron Yard a couple of years ago. We would talk through a number of concepts for a few hours and then be given homework that was specifically tailored to cover what we’d talked about in class.
And then we had one thing to do the rest of the day. Build something.
Building things. Trying to “muddle my way” through it for the first time. That’s how I’ve learned new skills in the past and its how I’m learning new skills now.
How do you learn new things?
The only thing missing is your voice!