Moonrise At Home – Moon – Photo
Moonrise At Home – Moon – Photo
I feel better. Two big tests behind me so far this week. Now just a few more things and the week will be over.
Maybe it won’t be so long until this semester is over after all. It’s interesting how one day at a time will eventually lead you to the end of a semester, or any block of time.
The moon does this thing where it goes through phases. One end of the spectrum is full moon and the other end of the spectrum is new moon.
But you probably knew that!
Technically – In Terms of Processing of the Photograph
This image was an experiment to see how far I could go with dodging and burning an image. In particular how far I could push a 32 bit .tiff file.
It is an HDR image, so I took a number of exposures with my camera locked on a tripod. These images were combined into a single .tiff file in Photoshop’s “Merge to HDR” function. The resulting file was saved back into Lightroom where I made a bunch of general tweaks to it.
I wanted the final image to look as natural as possible, so I tried not to do anything too crazy.
Once I had the overall image looking about how I wanted it to, I opened the file in Photoshop and did a fair bit of dodging and burning. If you’re not familiar with dodging and burning it is basically the process of making parts of the image darker (burning) and parts of the image brighter (dodging).
If you’d like a few pointers on dodging and burning I’d recommend a few things from a podcaster and photographer called Gavin Seim. First off a video…. and another video on a page where he sells his Lightroom brush presets.
At any rate once I finished with the dodging and burning I was basically done. I saved the image back into Lightroom and did a few final things to the image, nothing major, but a few little tweaks. Then it was time to export the image for the web!
Thanks for stopping by today!
Eldon Yoder