All Tied Up
Good morning everyone.
This may not be the post that you were looking for. It isn’t the one that I posted about writing yesterday… That one is still in the works. It’s kind of personal and its getting kind of long.
At any rate. Let me tell you just a bit about this image.
I took this photo one evening while driving around with my cousin. It is still from “the Maine trip,” that I took this summer.
It wasn’t a “beautiful evening,” as one would normally think of. It was overcast, kind of windy and it looked like it might rain. But it was definitely worth going out and looking for things to photograph!
The Technical Stuff
For those of you who care here is the technical behind how I created this image.
The camera was a 5d Mark 3. I don’t own this camera, instead I rented it specifically for this trip. Suffice to say I really enjoyed using it. The settings on the camera were as follows. The shutter speed was at 1/400 of a second. The aperture was at f4. The ISO was at 400.
The lens was the 70-200 f4, a really nice lens for the money, especially if you compare it to its big brother the f2.8.
The RAW image was brought into Lightroom were I worked on some basic exposure stuff for a little while. It looked good, but it wasn’t quite where I wanted it yet. So, as I am prone to do, I started to play with it.
The first thing I did was run it through OnOne’s Perfect Black and White program. I immediately saw that this was the way I wanted to go and worked to get a pretty good black and white out of Perfect B&W.
The image that came back into Lightroom was one I was pretty happy with. A bit of clean up, a quick crop, some dodging and burning, and it was ready to go…
So there you go. My lesson from this image is that sometimes I don’t feel like “going out” and taking pictures, especially when the day is kind of dreary. But I can usually find something, if I’m willing to get off of my seat and go look for it!
Have a wonderful day! Go do something that you know you should but maybe don’t feel like doing…!
The only thing missing is your voice!