The Desk This Evening – Click to view larger
What I’ve Been Up To
It’s amazing how life gets busy. I’m sure you experience this too.
I have a few posts that are half thought out and half written, but I haven’t had the time that I want to put into them before I publish them. There is nothing I like less than posting an article that is about half baked. There are times when this is perfectly fine, but some things warrant a bit more work and thought.
If you’ve been following along for at least a few weeks you will remember that I dropped out of college a few weeks ago. I’m currently in an interesting phase of life where I am trying to decide which of several things to focus on as a business. For the first week or two I was busy with building a website. The last few days I’ve been busy working on creating photographs for a local landscape architect.
I don’t know what I’ll end up “being” as a career line, but for now that seems to be ok. I do know that it’s going to take a whole lot of work to be able to support myself no matter what I do.
For now I’m busy and for the most part I’m happy. 🙂
A Bit About This Image
One of the things that I was asked to photograph was this fountain design. It is on the campus of Randolph College (Lynchburg, VA).
This image is an HDR. I took this shot, of the other camera taking another shot. I handheld the Sony NEX 6 and fired a bracket of 3 images. These 3 images were combined in Photoshop’s merge to HDR. The resulting 32bit file was worked on in Camera Raw and saved back into Lightroom as a 32bit Tiff. A few more tweaks in Lightroom and I quickly exported it for the blog!
And now I’m going to bed. 5:30 is going to get here before I’m ready for it.